CRA Charitable Registration Number: 119019891RR0001
(905) 563-5822  |  Mailing Address: PO Box 171, Beamsville, ON  L0R 1B0
Beamsville Location: 4309 Central Ave, Beamsville ON | Vineland Location: 3831 Victoria Ave, Vineland ON

We would like to recognize the support of...

~ Our 2023 Funders ~

Thank you Mazon Canada, The Jewish Response to Hunger, for supporting our Holiday Hamper Program.
The multi-year grocery grant made it possible to purchase fresh perishables for our clients to make nutritious meals over the holidays.


THANK YOU to United Way Niagara for supporting CCWN with funding for the Food Support Grant.
With this support, CCWN purchased items for our Thanksgiving Hampers and ingredients to make festive kids snacks! 


THANK YOU to the Art & Val Fleming Fund at the Niagara Community Foundation for supporting CCWN with a grant of $7,986.50.
With this support, CCWN purchased items for hunger relief and housing stability. 


Thank you to The Losani Family Foundation Fund at Hamilton Community Foundation
for supporting Community Care of West Niagara with a generous grant in March of 2023 for $13,000!

The views and opinions expressed in this publication/website
do not necessarily reflect those of Hamilton Community Foundation.


~ Our 2022 Funders ~

THANK YOU to Mazon Canada for the multi year grocery grant to purchase perishable and protein items for our clients.
The bags packed by the team at Sobeys Beamsville had milk, eggs, butter and a choice of protein (turkey, ham, chicken).
Thank you MAZON for your ongoing support and for helping us to "Grow our Community Beyond Hunger".


"I would like to thank you for helping me when things are tough. I am recovering from an accident and did not work for a year while recovering. Your generosity is appreciated very much. Having support as a single mother is essential."   - CCWN Client

"Your generosity! I can't begin to express my gratitude for you help this holiday season. It makes things so much easier."  - CCWN Client


Thank you to The Losani Family Foundation Fund at Hamilton Community Foundation
for supporting Community Care of West Niagara with a generous grant in 2022 for $10,000!

The views and opinions expressed in this publication/website
do not necessarily reflect those of Hamilton Community Foundation.


THANK YOU to the Town of Lincoln for supporting CCWN with our accessibility renovations.
with a building grant for $20,000 and a grant towards the façade for $10,000. 


THANK YOU to Feed Ontario for supporting Community Care of West Niagara
with funding  from the Feeding Possibility Grant in support of our Volunteer Program!


CCWN gratefully acknowledges the financial support of the Mini Grant from Niagara Community Foundation (NCF) 
that allowed us to purchased a message board for outside for everyone to access information.


THANK YOU to United Way Niagara for supporting CCWN with funding from the Special Projects Fund.
With this support, CCWN purchased new shelving to improve Food Room Services.  


THANK YOU to Wise Guys Charity Fund for supporting Community Care of West Niagara!
We received $15,000 for the purchase of a new fridge and freezer so we could have cold storage in BOTH of our locations! 



THANK YOU to Niagara Community Foundation for supporting Community Care of West Niagara!
We received $12,000 to support Building Accessibility Renovations through the Community Grants Program!

“Community Care of West Niagara gratefully acknowledges the financial support of the Niagara Community Foundation, which is a public foundation serving the people of Niagara. The Foundation builds permanently endowed charitable funds for the changing need and opportunities of the community and provides grants to eligible charitable organizations in culture, education, environment, recreation and social services”.


THANK YOU to Niagara Community Foundation for supporting CCWN with a grant of
$30,000 to support Building Accessibility Renovations through the David S. Howes Fund!

“Community Care of West Niagara gratefully acknowledges the financial support of the Niagara Community Foundation, which is a public foundation serving the people of Niagara. The Foundation builds permanently endowed charitable funds for the changing need and opportunities of the community and provides grants to eligible charitable organizations in culture, education, environment, recreation and social services”.


 ~~~~Funders from Previous Years~~~~

Thank you to The Losani Family Foundation Fund at Hamilton Community Foundation
for supporting Community Care of West Niagara with a grant of $10,000!

The views and opinions expressed in this publication/website
do not necessarily reflect those of Hamilton Community Foundation.

Thank you to The Town of Lincoln for supporting Community Care of West Niagara
with funding from the Grow, Prosper, Belong Community Fund 
in support of this years Easter Holiday Hamper Program!


Thank you to Farm Credit Canada for supporting Community Care of West Niagara

through the AgriSpirit Fund.

This funding of $25,000 has supported building upgrades

targeted at safety and energy efficiency. 

Thank you to Mazon Canada, Jewish Response to Hunger,
for supporting Community Care of West Niagara with a 2021 grant of $3,000.

This funding has supported the Annual Christmas Hampers Program, 
providing clients with butter, eggs, milk and protein options for their Holiday meals. 

An additional thank you to the Sobeys Beamsville team for supplying 
the hamper bags, product, and for assembling each bag for our clients!

Thank you to Food Banks Canada for supporting Community Care of West Niagara
with a grant, with funding through Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada’s Emergency Food Security Fund!

Thank you to Feed Ontario for supporting Community Care of West Niagara
with funding from the Feeding Possibility! Grant

CCWN will distribute 200 snack packs filled with nutritious and delicious
food options for the children and youth in our community.

Niagara Community Foundation Grants CCWN $6000 for Capacity Building Initiative!

“Community Care of West Niagara gratefully acknowledges the financial support of the Niagara Community Foundation,
which is a public foundation serving the people of Niagara. 
The Foundation builds permanently endowed charitable funds for the changing need and opportunities
of the community and provides grants to eligible charitable organizations
in culture, education, environment, recreation and social services”.

"CCWN truly appreciates this investment as it has allowed us to establish a roadmap
for how our organization will serve our community over the next 3-5 years."  - Carole Fuhrer, Executive Director


         Thank you to MAZON Canada for their support with a 2019 grant of $1500 

         that allowed us to purchase butter, eggs and milk for our Holiday Hamper Program! 

         This grant allowed us to add fresh perishables to the tables of 150 families in Lincoln! 

A CCWN Client says: "Thank you very much for the Christmas Meal and how thoughtful of you to include all the dairy products alongside with the over flowing hampers. My son and I are looking forward to enjoying a relaxing dinner this Christmas, and we’ll certainly raise a glass to you and your good health.

Best wishes for everyone who partners with CCWN"


We would also like to thank Sobeys Beamsville manager, Nikki for supplying the bags and to all the Niagara Sobeys Managers 

for filling the bags with these perishables!  We had a great day with this enthusiastic bunch, thank you all for giving your time 

to help us help others!

Cheque presentation to Carole Fuhrer, Executive Director, CCWN
by Leah Padfield, Executive Assistant to the CEO, Fred Losani

Thank you to the Losani Family Foundation Fund at Hamilton Community Foundation.

CCWN has been identified as an organization that improves the lives of kids, families and our community
through it's hunger relief and housing stability programs. 
As these are the priorities of Fred and Shelly Losani, we received a supporting grant of $5,000!!
We express our heartfelt thank you for this support and we look forward to our continued work
as we improve the quality of life for all.



Thanks to Compass Group, Bayer Inc.  and Food Banks Canada for supporting Community Care of West Niagara.

The $2,500 grant we received through the 2019 Fresh Gardens & Growing Fund will:
·         Supply fresh vegetables and fruit to Community Care of West Niagara
·         Supply fresh food to participants from food-insecure families living in Lincoln
·         Educate and promote skill-building and learning among growing initiative participants around: gardening skills, understanding food systems, nutrition, and growing and preparing various types of foods.

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Thanks to Bayer Fund and Feed Ontario for supporting CCWN's Student Snack Attack Program with a $5,000 Grant!

The Rural Kids Program is an initiative of Feed Ontario, whose focus to food banks is to develop or grow a children's nutrition program that helps increase the amount of fresh, healthy food available to children in rural communities across Ontario. In Partnership with Monsanto Fund, Feed Ontario will be working with member food banks across Ontario to address local childhood hunger. Each site will be provided with funding to use towards the creation of the program and for purchasing the food. 


Community Care of West Niagara Gratefully acknowledges the financial support of Wise Guys Charity Fund ($25,000) and the Niagara Community Foundation ($20,000)! These funds allowed CCWN to purchase a much needed van!

 Wise Guys Charity Fund is committed to raising awareness and financial support for local causes in Niagara. 

The Niagara Community Foundation builds permanently endowed charitable funds and provides grants to eligible charitable organization in culture, health, education, environment, recreation and social service sectors. 


Thank you to MAZON Canada for their support with a 2018 grant of $1500 

that allowed us to purchase butter, eggs and milk for our Holiday Hamper Program! 

This grant allowed us to add fresh perishables to the tables of 150 families in Lincoln! 

A CCWN Client says: "Your generosity and kindness has warmed our home this season.

Thank you for being our holiday angel. The kids were excited when I got home with milk, eggs and butter

as they were excited to make cookies! " 


We would also like to thank Sobeys Beamsville manager, Nikki and her staff

for supplying and filling the bags with these perishables!  



Thank you to the Walmart Foundation and Food Banks Canada for supporting Community Care of West Niagara. As grateful recipients of the 2018 Capacity Boost Grant we were able to acquire much needed equipment, and would like to acknowledge their generous contribution of $9800 that made it all possible!


THANK YOU to Niagara Community Foundation for the $500 grant which allowed our client services coordinator to attend Rentsmart Train the Trainer!  This opportunity has increased our knowledge about the do’s and don’ts about tenant/ landlord relationship and it has also given us the tools needed to educate and empower our clients on how to foster and develop good landlord/tenant relationships when securing permanent or temporary housing.

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